How To Read Into The Mind Of Your Customer


Want to be able to read the minds of your prospect when they browse your website? Read on…

Why You Should Get A HEAT MAP Right Now, Even If You’re A Technical Newbie.

What if I told you you can see exactly where your website visitor left? What links he visited?
Where he lost interest?
Where he bought?

Yes.You can do this.

You don’t need to be a tech wizard.

You don’t need to even know how to install code on a website and if you know what stuff like JavaScript or HTML 5 means, then you’re way too overqualified for this.

This is for people who want to have the cutting edge in traffic analytics (knowing the numbers behind your website) and don’t want to get all nerdy about it.

So what do I have for you?



This thing will blow your mind.
“So What’s A Heat Map?”
It’s a tool you install on your website (even WordPress blogs) that simulates the behavior of your visitors.

So why am I so excited to do this?

Imagine I have a sales page, you know, the stuff that persuades people to buy.Then I see that most people go to a specific part of the copy and just after that, they buy.

So that one benefit or one section is making the sale.That’s the most important part of my copy. And now, I can do more of it! I can take that bullet point and use it as my headline.

Now, I don’t want to get technical but it’s like having a magic genie telling reading people’s mind. It’s like you could sit in front of your prospect and read his mind.

You can read “yes, I want this”… or “no, I just want to leave this place”.

It gives you incredible market intelligence.

It’s really, really mind blowing.

This is because once you understand what works and what doesn’t… you can make tweaks.You need not move through the dark anymore.You don’t have to guess.You can take smart, SCIENTIFIC decisions that will lead to an improved conversion rate.

“What Tools To Use For This?

So what tools can you use for this?

The biggest one is TABLEAU.

I don’t suggest this one.

It’s brilliant, it works perfectly; it gives you huge insights into what works and what doesn’t. But it’s for nerds.This is for businesses that have a department of nerdy people locked in a dark room that know how to use these things.

I’ve tried this thing, and I didn’t even knew how to turn it on. Really.

So if you’re that smart, like “working-for-NASA-smart”, then give TABLEAU a shot.

If not, let’s move to the next solution on the list.

So the one I suggest is CRAZY EGG.

It’s so simple that even someone like me can use it and it gives you a lot of options.You can see where your visitors move their mouse, how they scroll, where they click and more.

It’s harder to install it but you can just go on and pay $5 to someone to install it. It will be worth it, I promise it.

What others options you can use?

Well, you have Mouseflow.This is brilliant for a feature called FORM ANALYTICS.

You know why is this good?

Because it shows you where one gives up on completing a form, like an order form or a survey. So if you see many people giving up when they’re about to order, now you can see exactly what’s bothering them and what you need to do, what you need to change.

You also have LUCKY ORANGE.

I like this one because it’s easy to use.

Or you can use INSPECT LET.

This like TABLEAU is for nerdier people. But if you really want to understand what’s working and what’s not, it offers you funnel analytics, helping you make tweaks that double or even triple your sales.
Now don’t get me wrong.

“This May Not Be For You…”

If you don’t have a website… or a landing page, then don’t do this.

It’s a complex solution.This is for marketers who have done the basics and got the machine running. It’s like adding a tuning chip to your 600 HP supercar. It makes little sense to add the same chip to a small Fiat.

If you’re there, give heatmapping a chance.

It builds a visual story of what your visitors are doing.

You’ll know where they click which tells you where they’ve decided.

You’ll be able to know where they are stuck or where you lose them.

You’ll know where they are bored and left your website and where you need to strengthen your copy.

And since most of these services cost something like $10/month, you have no excuse towards not making this happen.

So yeah, this is the ADVANCED tip for today. It may not be for everyone but for those who are, go for it.

Best regards, Imran