Three “Tricks” You Can Apply To Your Social Media Posts To Increase Their Power By 10X (So Many People Miss #2 But If You Do It, You’ll See A Huge Increase In Your Engagement).


You think you need to be a good writer to get your social media posts read?

You’re wrong.

You know why?

Because some of the best online marketers that get hundreds of likes and tens of sales with each post are not amazing writers.They’re not even average writers. It’s safe to say for some of them, their writing sucks.

But they know something.

They know how to structure a social media post to get MASSIVE engagement and clickthroughs. This is their secret. And if you do what they do, if you follow these simple rules, guess what?

Your posts will get read too.

So let me give you THREE rules you can apply right now to your social media posts to get that massive engagement others pay thousands of dollars to copywriters to achieve.

What are photos?

RULE #1 – Sell A STORY
Their snapshots of reality but what are above that? Let me tell you.

They’re stories.

They have a narrative. A picture of you on the beach with your kids is not just that. It’s a symbol for something far greater.

And the KEY to writing amazing social media posts is exactly this. Use a story.Tell a story. The more personal the better.And then tie the story to whatever product or service you’re selling.

A good movie tells a story (doh). A good book tells a story.
A good song tells a story.

The story is the building block of engagement.Without stories we have only facts and facts are boring. Nobody buys because of facts. Even the most analytical nerdy guys in the world don’t buy just because you present them facts.

We all buy because of emotions and stories are naturally designed to trigger them.

So when you write your next post, write a story and then transition to your product or service. It’s the closest thing to posting a photo.

Now let’s move to…

There is a wonderful place for reference content.

You can write as much about ideas in a dry and sterile manner and people will praise you. You may even get paid for it (although it’s illegal).

You know what that place is?

It’s called WIKIPEDIA.

That’s the only place where you should write reference content.

On Facebook, make your posts a conversation between you and your prospect. Write your post as if you were writing a letter or a text to an old friend.You’re sharing ideas, emotions, feelings.

You’re giving a part of you through the writing.

I believe that the strongest Facebook posts can be copy / pasted on WhatsApp or Messages and would pass completely for a personal message.

Actually, you can even test this through this way.

I call it the “text message” acid test.

If you copy / paste your social media post and send it to a close friend, does he feel like this was meant for him and not for an audience?

If the answer is yes, you’ve got a great message. If the answer is no, keep trying!

So no “us” or “people” or “It is being said”. Be human. Be conversational.Talk with the person in front of you. It’s not “ideas should be expressed in a conversational manner”. It is instead “You need to write in a way that is conversational”.

I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal and none of these rules are that complicated.They’re actually very simple. But if you do this, you’ll see a huge increase in conversion. People that never engaged with your posts before now will jump on the opportunity to like and comment your stuff.

And yes, it’s that simple.

TALK to a single person.

And now the third rule.

This one is simple.

I know it from public speaking. Actually, if you go to a place like Toastmasters where they teach you public speaking for free, you’ll learn this in some of your first sessions.

You’ve guessed what it is?
“Ask For ACTION!”

It’s to always end your speech with a call to action. Here, always end your message asking them to do something.

And what is that something?

Well, it can be to follow the link below and go to your website to buy your stuff.That’s an excellent call to action. But you can also ask them to leave their comments or engage with your stuff.

But my rule is simple.

I don’t ask likes.

I don’t ask comments.

I can’t go to the bank and deposit my likes on my VISA bank account.

I don’t use a call to action or I ask them to visit a link. I believe in the power of direct response copywriting and how each marketing piece I write must help me achieve two things.

1 – Help improve the life of another human being…

… preferably in a HUGE, SIGNIFICANT way.


2 – Make a sale.

I don’t always get to make a difference and I don’t always make a sale but this is how I write my posts. I don’t write to get likes. I write to make a difference and to sell quality products and services.

This is all.

See, I told you you need not be a brilliant writer to write content that pushes that needle towards what you want.You need to apply proven strategies.

And if you do these, you’ll see something incredible happen.

You’ll get interest.

You’ll get the engagement.

You’ll be like a bright white spot on a dark sky.You’ll stand out.And this means that you will also make sales which means money in the pocket.

So reviewing…


Sell through a story.


Make it a conversation


Ask for action.

Good luck dominating social media. Leave some for others too.

Best regards, Imran