Is Imran Md Ali a scam?
Well, my competitors, who used this guy by the name of Daniel Fu (and his team members + some competitors) want you to think that’s the case.
You probably read something new about me, about how much I suck, about how I’m a scam and about how I have nothing to offer to my marketplace. Really? See this-
Know ANYONE who has created more success stories than I have in Singapore?
And I’m not the only one. I’m in good company. Based on what Dan Fu has to say, almost every major coach and author in Singapore sucks.
So what’s his deal?
Is he a frustrated chump with too much time on his hands? Was he wronged by me and now he takes it to social media? Is he right?
The truth is a lot simpler than this.
He is a sophisticated marketer and as you’ll discover in a second, a sociopath, that used to earn tens of thousands of dollars on my back and the back of other reputable marketers.
This is because he employs what’s known as “black hat marketing”.
What’s that?
Well, people look for my name. I’ve spent almost a decade of my life building a reputation for delivering quality products in and outside of Singapore. I can’t say that I’m a brand name but there is a lot of traffic coming from Google and Facebook based on this search alone.
And instead of actually working to build his own lead generation system, he piggybacked on mine. Basically, people look for me, end up on some article or post that criticizes me and then he pitches his own product.
What product would that be?
He used to sell a get rich quick FOREX scheme.
Yes, that scammy “do nothing at all and you’ll triple your money in a few weeks” type of appeal. The kind where hard-working men and women with no FOREX or investment experience deposit their money and soon discover that the fund has been emptied, the company shut down and all their savings are in some bank in the Marshall Islands, with the police not being able to do anything about it.

Yes. This guy, was making sales of a scam product using the reputation and goodwill that I and many other coaches slowly built over a lifetime.
He was bashing my name everywhere he could, on the Internet, on Facebook, because people would search for my name and get to his page. And because of this, he gets free traffic.
On my back.
On my brand.
He was selling products to people that were looking for me. He was telling them what they want to hear (instead of the harsh truth that success takes effort). He told them that all they have to do is invest their money and they’d be rich in no time.
Myself and other well-known coaches and authors were his primary lead generation machine. Smart, isn’t it?
But wait, this is not all.
No. This is just the appetizer compared to what I will tell you now.
What would you do if tonight you’d return home from your business, tired, eager to get rest and you’d find a blackmail letter? A letter in which someone threatens to ruin you and your reputation unless you pay him exactly $471.555 USD?

Would you go to the police?
That’d be the best choice. But what if the police does nothing, ignores this and treats this as a “mild” event while you’re keep getting these letters?
You’d get mad?
You’d pay?
You’d hire someone to deal with this for you?
This sounds like the scenario of a movie. Something like Goodfellas. Something like “pay us 20% of what you earn every month or we’ll break the windows of your store”.
But it’s no mobster movie. There’s no Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro here. It’s real. And it’s happening.
Two years ago, I’ve been under constant attack by this lowlife. He came to my house. He attached letters to my door. He’s even been caught by CCTV camera.
Yes. The same guy that posted negative reviews about me, to get traffic to his own offered, took it up a notch and advanced to extortion.
Now don’t get me wrong…
I’ve been in this field long enough to know not everyone likes me. For every 100 people I make happy, there is someone that will hate me because my products are too expensive or he doesn’t like my tone or attitude or he doesn’t like my face.
Good marketing polarizes people. To end up with your own tribe, you must upset a few people. It is just how business works.
So every few weeks, I get three page email from someone who may or may have never bought my products, explaining me why I suck. It’s cost of doing business.
Everyone in this industry from Kiyosaki to Tony Robbins goes through this.
You learn to live with this.
But here, this guy, is different.
He didn’t limit himself to emails. He didn’t limit himself to expressing his frustrations and letting steam off.
He saw one too many gangster movies and blackmailed me for about half a million dollars under the threat that he will hack my systems and destroy my business.
And you’d think this is the worst thing, right?
Not even close.
Losing what I have would be a bad thing, I admit it, but it was about the safety of my family. My wife and my daughter. He knew where I live. I bet he knew about the two most important people in my life too. And while Singapore is a safe country, call me human but I’m afraid of having them harassed. Or worse.
And worse, the police was seemingly doing nothing.
I had CCTV footage.
I had eyewitnesses.
I had IP addresses that can be tracked.
If I had an unpaid parking ticket, then I’d have the police’s attention right away. My family and I were threatened by what I can see only as a sociopath and which may had follow through with his promise, and nobody paid attention.
My friends told me to fight fire with fire. To use people who know how to deal with such low lives.
But this is Singapore and not Congo or Columbia. I’m a business coach and not some Russian oligarch. If I do anything outside of official channels (which seems to not do anything at all), I’ll be in more issues than him. It’s Singapore. We thrive on order and doing things right.
So yes, this is the untold story of what happened to me in 2016.
I’ve kept it a secret, told it only to family and friends but I must warn other people in this industry and my market alike.
I must reveal the toxic nature of some people online and how far they’re willing to go to succeed.
For this guy it wasn’t enough to trash my name. He also wanted half a million dollars. Eventually, all ended up fine and I even received an apology letter from him but believe me, it was a hard fight.
I did what you must do with every bully.
Stand up to him and fight back. So he backed down, eventually.
And unfortunately, while he’s done, others took his place.
These guys are not so creative though.
You know what’s their MO?
Build fake profile with photos of hot girls and try and trash me through comments. If you five minutes taking a look at these profiles, you know they’re fake. If you spend 30 seconds doing a reverse image search, you’ll discover the photo is stolen from Google Photos and it’s usually of a porn star.
I wish this was a joke. It’s not. I’ve actually done a reverse image search.
Here is an example of how “Jeanna Aung” tries to put me into an unfavorable position.

[Photo 1]
And here’s her profile.

[Photo 2]
Does this look like a real profile?
Well, maybe you don’t believe me. Then let me do a reverse image search and see what we discover. You can do this too.
Look what I’ve found.
Her photo is found on 50 other websites. Of course, it has nothing to do with “Jeanna Aung”.

But people who don’t have the time or the energy to search, may actually believe her. Yes, this is the world of online marketing in 2018 – 2019, unfortunately.
So why am I telling you all of this?
This is because you may come across people like him (or even him), online. You may see Facebook posts (not ads, as they would shut ads down right away) bashing me and other reputable marketers.
When you see this, remember that we’re not talking about a dissatisfied customer here. We’re talking about a black hat marketer that uses a negative angle, hurting me, to sell his scams and unfortunately, many people believe him. He understands a painful truth of human nature – the bigger the lie is, the easier it is to sell.
While this guy backed down, toxic sociopaths like him are everywhere.
So the next time you see an ad like “is ABC or XYZ a scam?”, ask yourself if this is an upset person or just some lying scumbag trying to earn some money on the back of a famous marketer.
And if you’re in the situation I was, as a coach, as a marketer, as an authority figure, don’t back down. Don’t pay. Seek legal action. Talk to a good lawyer. Talk with the police until they take action (you’ll need a lot of patience here).
These are bullies.
These are the stupid bullies in the schoolyard.
And the best thing to do with a bully is to fight back. To show him that you’re not afraid and that he can’t pick on you. If you do this, you’ll inspire others to do the same thing.
In 2017, I was brought to Small Claims Court by this “Daniel Fu” and during the arbitration process, he admitted that he was behind the entire thing, not only to the police but also to the court. I could have pursued for a newspaper apology, but decided instead to let the matter rest. But at least, i got him to email me an explanation in 2017.

And one last thing…
Let’s say that you’re a bit skeptical. Sure, it’s in my best interest to put myself in a good light. And no, I’m not perfect. But instead of listening to what some people with a screwed moral compass have to say about me, come to one of my events.
Check me out on Facebook. Read my posts. Convince yourself. Think for yourself.
It’s fine if you don’t want to take me on my word but before you believe black hat marketers like him, see with your own eyes.
Since 2016, I’ve invited many people who fell for this form of negative marketing to learn the truth. And while not all of them became customers and some decided I’m not their cup of tea, all of them agreed that everything that was posted online was false and that I deliver massive value.
After you’ve read ALL of the above- here’s the truth. No one. I mean NO ONE has as many success stories as a business coach here in Singapore.
Don’t take my word for it, see it for yourself here
But as I said, check me out. I have nothing to hide and I let my results speak for themselves.
Now that you KNOW the truth, I’d like to recap a challenge I made to my haters on 15th March 2019. In that challenge, I mentioned that if ANY hater can show that they have changed more lives and gotten more success stories than I have in our industry, I’ll give them a cool $10,000 SGD to any charity of their choice.
Here is the challenge that was posted openly.

Until now, there has been ZERO takers of this challenge. NO ONE has created more success stories as I have.
And that is why you need to be wise. Believe my competition, or believe the facts. And if I’m wrong, take up the challenge above. It’s free money for you.
Best regards,
Whatsapp: 8181 8929