How To Work Less, And Make More By Hiring A VA For Pennies On The Dollar (And Mistakes To Avoid In The Process)


Let me tell you a short story.

It’s a bit sad. But at the end of it, you’ll learn how to CHANGE a life for the better, how to help someone and at the same time, get an OBSCENELY LOW RATE for having someone do almost all the work in your business.

It’s a win – win.

Do this and you’ll be feeding a family and give them a better life while you’ll cut 10 – 20 or even 30 hours from your work week, every single week!
So the story

“How A Strange Encounter Changed The Way I Do Business…”

A few years ago I went to the Phillipines.

It’s a beautiful place, you should check it out. Great for the Internet Lifestyle for reasons I’ll tell you in one second.

I was at a Starbucks, watching a YouTube video when a saw a young woman running a PPC campaign, a Facebook ad campaign.

Since I’m always eager to hire good people to work with me and since this was a strange place to see someone run a FB campaign, especially since she was in her early 20s, I’ve introduced myself and asked what she is doing.

So she told me her story. Her story changed the way I work online forever. It made my life a lot easier and allowed me to help people who are smart, hardworking and really need my help.

She is aVA.

This stands for a Vir tual Assistant.

She takes care of two of her brothers as both her parents left them in the care of others. For a very long time, she tried to get a job but couldn’t.Too young and she wouldn’t compromise her morals.

One day, she found this ad online for a guy needing a jack of all trades person to help with his online business. So she applied and got the job. She read book after book to get better at it. She took courses on Udemy and Coursera and some days, worked 16 hours just to make sure he won’t drop her, that he won’t find another VA.

That was two years ago.

Now she is his full time VA, and she’s doing his PPC ads, his campaigns, his Facebook posts and more. Basically, this guy from Canada if I remember right sits on his ass all day while she’s earning him hundreds of dollars each day.

So I’ve asked her…

“It Is The True Definition Of WIN – WIN”
But how much does he pay you?

I expected to hear $50 dollars per hour or more.This is at the lower end rate for people who have this skill set and work ethic.

Her answer shocked me.

You won’t believe it.

Really, you won’t.

She’s earning $7.5 USD, and she started as low as $3 USD per hour!

And some of you may say that’s exploation.That guy is living the good life while she’s working all day for him for peanuts.And that may be true but she’s the happiest girl in the world.

You know why?

Because $7.5 USD per hour is a very high rate in the Philippines.There are many people who don’t earn that in an entire day. She told me that her rate, what she’s earning now per month is higher than mid-level managers in big corporations in her country and that with all the money she’s earning, she’s putting her two brothers through school and rented a nice house for all of them.

She even donates money for charity.

Imagine that. She’s earning maybe $1000 – $1200 per month, and she’s living a lifestyle that would cost you and me at least $5000 SGD here in Singapore. And while that guy pays her $1000 per month, he’s earning ten times more from her efforts.

She knows but she’s happy with it. She knows she can’t get a better job, and that this was a blessing.

This is the power of VAs.

You find someone who is ambitious and hardworking and eager to learn and you pay them to do everything. Deal with your customer service.Write posts for you. Design stuff in Canva or even in Photoshop. Make phone calls for you. Even write copy sometimes. And you pay them 10% of what you’ll earn back.

And since life is so much cheaper and good jobs are impossible to find in places like the Philippines, ever yone is happy. Actually, I bet that the VA you’ll hire will think your opportunity is the best thing in his life, a once in a lifetime kind of thing.

I know.

It sounds incredible.

But this is the Internet lifestyle and all the people I know who are earning six figures are using teams of VAs. And all these VAs now lead a far better life, a respectable, white collar life because of them. So you’re earning money and you’re making the world a better place too.

“How To Change A Life And 
 Work 30 Hours Less!”
How do you get started though?


Enter “Filipino VA” on Google and you’ll get tens of sites. Most of them tell you what they offer and how. I’ve seen entr y level VAs for hire for as low as $625 per month. Or you can go to UpWork. Or you can go to one of the many websites specialized in connecting you with individual VAs instead of an agency.

There are choices.

And remember… you’re not only building wealth for yourself and cutting half of even three quarters of your workload.You’re changing a life for the better.You’re earning points as the good guy.

So checkVAs out and make this work for you.

Best regards, Imran