Easy Online Money Making Idea – Website Rentals Or How To Get Paid Every Month For Renting Visibility To Doctors And Dentists.


Here’s a business model that can make you a LOT of money with very little effort.

You know what it is?

You create online assets that bring traffic to qualified business and then rent them. Or you sell the leads, whatever is more profitable.

Sounds complicated? Let me explain.

So let’s say that you have a hair saloon.You are a master of your field.You don’t know how to do SEO or PPC and you’re too busy to learn.You’re no marketing expert.You’re an expert in making people beautiful.

So what are your options there?

You can hire a marketing specialist but this is expensive.You need to pay a retainer that’s several thousands per month.And then you need to pay for your marketing budget.That’s way too expensive.

Or you can just rent such a website.

You can go to someone who created and optimized a website to get a lot of organic traffic. This means traffic from Google. And you can use that traffic to drive business, to get leads. You just change the first page or so and all that traffic comes to you.

You rent a website.

No. Correction.

You rent a traffic generation machine and you don’t have to pay for anyone to manage it, you don’t have to pay for traffic, you profit from all that new traffic that’s coming organically to you.

Or you can pay even less, per lead sent to you.This means that if this site sends you 100 potential customers, you pay for them.
“Traffic Machine DFY!”

It’s such a good method for offline businesses and it’s working extremely well in the United States and in Europe but almost nobody is doing it in Singapore! Imagine this, such an effective method that’s far more effective than hiring a consultant or a company to do this for you and almost nobody is doing it.

And you know what?

You can be one of the few people that do this. Or you can hire people to get this done for you if you’re not a technical mind.

So how does this work?

You need three elements, that’s all.
“The Three Critical Ingredients
 To Making This Work”

The FIRST one is a good niche.You sell that traffic to relevant businesses so you want to pick a field that makes sense. Dental practices, chiropractors, massage and most service based businesses work. Insurance agents, so and so. Real estate agents, it may work too.

You want a field in which (1) people have a problem (2) they are looking for a solution (3) they can afford for that solution (4) there are third-party providers READY to pay for it, because visibility will be your product.

This works best with services so stick to that.

The SECOND one is to build a website that ranks HIGH on Google.

You’re selling organic traffic.And you want to make your website be evergreen.This means that it needs to be general enough to be rented to anyone who needs it.You don’t want to make it too specific.

A good blog works.A site offering tools also works fine.You don’t want to build it around any brand.That’s the definition of evergreen.

Now, the more content you add, the more relevant and quality content you have, the higher it will rank on Google. So it will start getting traffic. Real traffic from people looking to solve problems.

And here comes the THIRD element – a buyer.

You want to find a business that wants traffic without having to manage it or get it. Low- tech businesses are ideal.

Once you find such a business, set up a deal with them.

They can pay you per lead sent so traffic sent that makes an appointment needs to be paid. There are specialized tools so you need not trust them. So you can use a third party service as simplybook.me.

Or you can just rent the site.You can turn over the site for a few months where they can do whatever they want with it, within reason.This mostly means changing the home page to promote their business. This is a flat rate.

Or you can rent only the first page to them and keep control of the website.This is somewhere in the middle.

“The Ultimate WIN – WIN Model”
It’s win for you because you are paid for a web property you’ve developed without losing it and doing nothing, basically. It’s like renting an apartment.You show up to collect the money and you won’t find any leaky faucet with a website.

Or you can get paid only for the traffic which allows you to do this with several businesses at the same time.

On their side, they either get a high performing property that gives them constant traffic or they get cheap appointments, cheaper than Facebook or Google PPC.

It’s an amazing business model and I wish more people will do it soon in Singapore.

And yes…

It’s not really something you overnight, but it’s something worth pursuing.The most time it will take ranking the website to get traffic but once you do, you have your own personal ATM.You can use it to earn money through so many means.

So what do you think?

Can you take advantage of this proven business model and adapt it to Singapore’s market?

Best regards, Imran