Aidil Ali – From Working At Oil & Gas Company To Running Two Tuition Centers While Staying At Home


I’ll tell you the story of Aidil Ali

Aidil Ali

Who is he?

Ali’s job used to be as a safety specialist at an oil and gas company. This means that most of his job was offshore, on platforms and ships.

While this is a very well paid job and he was earning a big income, even for Singapore, it came with many disadvantages.

The biggest one was that it took him away from his family. Then there was the nature of the job, being isolated for long periods, health and safety risks and generally, it’s not the most exciting job in the world.

So, out of an effort to spend more time with his family, Ali started a tuition center. He struggled for a while and then came to me.

Long story short, he grew his biz by 500% to 700% last time we’ve checked. Now he runs two tuition centers, quit his job in the oil and gas field and earns more, by staying home, working a few hours per week than he did before.

Plus, he has all the time to spend with his loved ones.

So how have we’ve done this?

There are three concepts at play here.

And I’ll explain them to you. Now, you may find them too easy.Too simply. You may ask yourself… is this all there is?

You’ve been convinced of a lie. Maybe the biggest lie in entrepreneurship. And this is…

That the more complex a business is, the more moving pieces it has, the better it must do.That your business must be as complicated as a Boeing 747, with millions of different pieces.

It’s false.
It’s actually a huge lie, the opposite is true.

Launching and running a business is built around a few very SIMPLE systems.These are so simple that anyone, even someone with no business experience can make them happen.

Complexity has nothing to do with it. It just comes down to a few simple pieces that may seem underwhelming but simply work.

So before you keep reading, make this promise to yourself… that you won’t dismiss this because it seems too easy.

It really just comes down to these elements.

I’ll reveal them here, free of charge, because you deserve to know them.

So what’s the first one?


What does it mean to be a puppeteer?

You’re not doing the work itself. You’re finding someone else to do the job.Your only occupation is marketing, getting customers.

Service fulfilment is done by someone else.

Ali is not doing the tutoring itself. He found people to do them and pays them only for the work delivered. So he doesn’t take any risks.

In this way, you don’t need inventory.You don’t need to pay for staff. You don’t need a big over-head each month, which is money you need to pay no matter if you make sales or not.

You just find the right people.
You send them customers, as I’ll show you in a second.

And you get paid a portion of what they charge.You don’t even need to pay them, they pay themselves and you earn a profit on the margin.

The next one are Facebook Ads.

There are many ways to do lead generation, which means bringing potential customers. You can do banner ads. You can do solo ads.You can do YouTube videos or Google Ads.

But there’s nothing as efficient as Facebook.Why? Because you can reach your exact ideal customer for pennies and talk with them in a manner that’s impossible on any other service.

The secret to Facebook ads is to have the right angle… to the right people… using the right offer.

If you get these three done, you’re set. What is an angle?

It’s how you approach your marketplace. It’s one benefit or one part of your product that you want to focus on.

Being cheaper than everyone else is an angle. Offering a longer warranty or a better money back guarantee is another angle. Doing something faster, better, in a different way than the competition, are all angles.

It is how you differentiate yourself without creating a dramatically new product. Let’s say you have a gym.
What angles can you take?

A gym just for men.
A gym just for women.
A gym just for weight lifters (no cardio).
A gym that offers a premium, luxury experience. A gym where you get private guidance.
A gym opened during the night.

All gyms are the same but your angle is what it’s unique (or seems unique). It’s like your personal style of clothing.
What constitutes the right people?

Those who would make for the best customers.They have the need. They’re looking for a solution. They have the money.

Imagine this.

You’re entering a room of 100 people.

You want to sell your product.

Some don’t need it.

Some can’t afford it.

Some already have it.

You don’t really want to pull these people aside and talk with them. Each conversation would take you time which is just as good as money.

So you go to those that would make the best buyers. And you sell to them. Directly.

Through FB ads, you can define exactly where your ads should go. Who they should reach. It’s like knowing exactly who is in that room and picking only the people who will pay you the most money.

This means you’ll be able to get leads for the lowest cost possible and you’ll maximize your conversion.

What is your offer?
It’s what you’re giving them.

It can be a free one hour tutoring. It can be a 50% discount. It can be a one plus one offer, where if they buy one product, they get one free. It can be a limited time one.The combinations are endless.

This is extremely important.

And all things being equal… the difference between having a very successful business and a one that is struggling is your offer.A simple tweak in what your leads are getting can double or triple your profits.

It’s that important.

The third element is something most people just ignore.You shouldn’t. Without it, nothing else will work. It’s like the KO move in a boxing match.This is sales choreography.
How can I explain this to you?

Most people who are not in sales believe that selling something is as simple as telling. Here’s the product, here’s the price, buy it.

After all, if people need something, they’ll invest in it, right?

And that’d be great, if purchasing decisions would be rational and people would act in their best interest. But as we all know, we don’t do that.

If we were like that, we’d eat salads instead of burgers, go for a run instead of watching NetFlix and invest our money to earn interest instead of buying a new $1500 TV.

People don’t buy something just because it’s good for them. So you must employ strategy.

You must structure your contact with them.When they get a first message.What it contains. Second message. What to tell them in order to close.

It’s like a dance.You schedule a few actions for maximum impact.These, together, give you the best chance to close the sale. And without sales choreography, even if you get leads, they won’t pay you.

These three were the tools employed by Aidil Ali.
Using these tools, he grew his business by a factor of 5 to 7 times.

Because he employed puppeteering, Facebook ads and sales choreography, now he has more time for his family. He actually has almost all the time in the world because last timeI’ve checked, this takes him maybe 5 – 10 hours to manage.

And all of these tools are available to you too.

You don’t need to spend years through trial and error to find what works. The truth is that whatever you want to do, someone else has done it, tried many things, found what worked.

You are not in uncharted territory. Getting to $5.000… $10.000 and even $20.000 per month is something that has been done again and again.

You don’t need to go out there in the world and hope for the best.

You just use the same proven model used by many others, with small tweaks. That’s all. It’s plug and play. The market doesn’t change overnight. It takes years, even decades for the market to change enough for these systems to stop working.

What Ali did, you can do too.
What worked for him, will work for you too. But you know how many people try?

There was a study.The average number of times people try to do something before giving up is LESS than 1.This means most people give up on their dream, their goal of financial freedom before even trying once.

The obstacle is not in the world.
You have the tools.
You live in the best time in the history of humanity to earn money.

You can do with a laptop and a few tools what took an entire department less than 20years ago. You can build a $15.000/month business with just FB ads, WhatsApp and a few free tools.

The only thing holding you from achieving success is your own fear of trying.

Everything else is easily available. Ali succeeded. Hundreds of other people did. And you can do too.You just have to start.
