Are Your Friends Slowing You Down?


Why I No Longer Listen To Most People’s Advice…

It’s true. We listen to people all the time.

Parents. Friends. Relatives. Our spouse. Our teachers at school.

Everyone has an opinion, and it stinks.

Don’t believe me? Go back to a time when your well-meaning friends persuade you that starting a business was risky. Some even LAUGHED at you. They said, “It will never work”

Boy oh boy… If I had listened to them… I’d be stuck JUST like them right now.

The truth is, you’ve got to be VERY selective about whom you take advice from.

Take advice about rotting teeth from.. Dentists.

Take advice about netball from.. Netball coaches.

Take advice about finance from ….. financial experts.

Take advice about business from… People who have actually succeeded in entrepreneurship

Take advice about beating cancer from… Cancer experts

See the underlying principle?

No one is an EXPERT at everything. You’ve got to stop taking the opinions of others and let it shape your life in an unintended manner.

When I was 28, I received “advice” from people who themselves were struggling in their industry. They said my plan would never work because Singapore isn’t ready for what I have to offer.

I did it anyway, and it WORKED like gangbusters. Today, the 2 people are following suit, and doing what I said I wanted to do, and they thought was impossible.

Think about that.

No MATTER what you want to achieve, understand that it’s doable. If anyone tells you it’s not- Ask yourself a question. “is this person an expert in this space? Has he/she achieved anything of importance in this space? If not, why am I listening to them?”

Here’s to yet another amazing year for you, from our Profits Institute team, and I look forward to hearing your success stories!