How Jarrell Turned A Simple Idea Into A Lucrative Business!


Case Study: Meet Jarrell, 31 years old.

Jarrell used to be my guitar coach- He’d come to my place weekly to teach me guitar for $60 per hour.

One day, I made a challenge to him to 10X this amount in a single day, selling guitar classes to strangers.

We sat down, created a campaign in 20 mins, and launched it. The results? A cool $700 in a single day.

For him, this is an eye opener of how powerful Facebook and entrepreneurship can be. Problem is, most people have not, and may never, discover this system for themselves- Because schools don’t teach this stuff. Neither is this stuff taught at home by our parents.

That is why I am passionate at making sure everyone learns these set of skill sets.

In Jarrel’s own words, “The system is literally life-changing. I wish I had learnt it years ago. Now I’m equipped with a skillset that will always work, and continue working.”
In summary, here’s what I did for him
1) Found a differentiation for his guitar business
2) Created some persuasive copywriting
3) Ran a FB ads campaign
4) Gave him a sales SMS script to close the sales
That’s it! Beautiful 4 step process that can be replicated over and over and over again.

If you haven’t its not too late. There are tons of free Youtube videos to learn from. Lots of great books too. 

Stop making excuses, and START Hustling!