How To Use Your Smartphone To Have COMPLETE Control Over Your Online Business… No Matter Where You Are.


What I’m about to show you, I’ve never revealed before.

It’s the culmination of hundreds of tests I’ve done to see how I can earn money from wherever I go. I took almost a decade to finally get the RIGHT choice of tools to use to have the perfect online business.

And you know what’s the best part?

You can use these tools anywhere you go.You can run your online business from Hanoi or Tokyo or London or even a remote island in the Pacific.

This is the TRUE internet lifestyle.

This is HOW you sit at the beach and make sales if that’s what you want.This is how you quit your 9 – 5 job and start a new life, a life in which you have BOTH money and time, in which you can afford anything you want but also you have the space to enjoy it fully.

So let me tell you what are the TOP FIVE TOOLS I use to build wealth from wherever I go. All you need for this is an iPhone, and it helps if you have a laptop or an iPad, but it’s not required.

1 – Your phone camera.

You know how I record all my videos?

I don’t use a studio setup. I don’t have professional photographers and a white wall to make me look as a “pro”. I don’t care about all that things and neither you, the viewer.

Instead, I use a tool we all have.

I use my iSight camera on my laptop, my webcam. I own a MacBook but you can use the camera on your phone or iPad or whatever you want.

My point here is that if you want to record good videos that bring sales in and that build a name for yourself online, you don’t need a DSLR pointed at you and some professional director calling “cut!”.You just need your basic phone or laptop camera and you’re ready to go.
But what if you want to make PROFESSIONAL looking videos without knowing video editing and all that stuff?
What if you want to look as cool as professional media agencies without spending anything?
I’ll give you three tools. It’s incredible that these are free or very cheap because just a few years ago, you’d have to pay hundreds of dollars on professional software to get the same thing.
The first one is the LEGEND APP.

You know what it does?

You write some text and it animates for you. Basically, you can pay $50 or $100 per video for someone to do this or use this free application to do it for you.

You can use it for social media, for getting attention to your posts.

You can use it for your landing pages to act as a cool video sales letter (it’s so much better than PowerPoint slides!)

You can even use it as a profile video to have that EDGE over everyone else, to be interesting, to get attention.

This application alone saved me hundreds of dollars in animation videos. Download it now!

Just imagine…

You write a nice script and you copy paste it in the app.You press the button to process.Then a few minutes later, you have a wonderful video you can use anywhere you want, no restrictions.You can use it to amaze your list, to educate them, even to get sales.

All you have to do is COPY / PASTE in this app. It does the rest of the job for you.

The second tool to make your photos and videos amazing is Plotagraph.

I swear, I don’t know what magic is in this application, how they’ve made it achieve what it does but it is so cool.

You can animate any photo with it.

So you take a normal photo, anything you want and it becomes this cool animated one. It’s like you give it life.The effect is mind-blowing.

So the next time you upload something on Facebook, why simply post a boring photo? Run it through Plotograph and you’ll have this photo that comes to life and that’s guaranteed to create a buzz around you.

The third one is my favorite, maybe because I’m a nerd.

It’s called 8 MM and it allows you to create old looking videos, like they were recorded on a camera from the 70s.

It’s so cool and so attention grabbing. It gives you that edge that will get your videos seen while others will be ignored.

And all you have to do is press “record”. It’s just as your phone camera. But instead of getting the same boring video that everyone else gets, you’ll get this nostalgic, edgy video that works very well on Facebook and Instagram.

Last but not least…

Did you knew that your phone can record its screen?

I think you need IOS 11 on Apple devices and a new version of Android to do so. You just press record and it records everything that’s happening plus your voice, only if you want.

And on Android, you have so may choices, just enter “screen recorder” and you get a dozen good options, although the default one rocks!

How do you use this?

For tutorials.

Instead of telling people how to run a Facebook campaign, show them. Run it on your phone or tablet. Instead of showing them how to plan their day properly, go through this, step by step.

Seeing is believing and if one photo is worth 1000 words, one video is worth 100 photos.

2 – Kartra

Imagine that you could hire someone that does everything for you.

He will create your funnels. He will tell you what to do next. He will implement and put your pages online. He will get the graphics done. He will do the integration. He will be your secret weapon in making sales funnels work.

Wouldn’t that be great?

This would be the best employee in the world.

And if he made you $10.000 or $20.000 per month, how much would you pay that person? $500? $1000? $2000? I’d pay even more because he’d be the handyman that makes my business work.

But you know what?

You need not pay $2000 for someone to do this.You don’t even need to hire a person.

All you have to do is use the best TOOL I’ve ever seen for funnel design. It’s better than LeadPages, it’s better than ClickFunnels, it’s the bomb. Really.

And it costs you only $1 to get started.YES! Just one dollar to check it out.

And you know what you’ll find inside Kartra.Almost everything done for you.You get funnel templates that made millions of dollars.You get sales letters you customize and then plug and play.

It is a life saver! I would gladly pay $2000 per month for someone to do what Kartra does for me but I don’t have to.You don’t have either. It’s just $1 to get started!

You’ll find the link to Kartra and the others at the end of this article.

So let me tell you this story.

3 – Fiverr

I never shared it before because I was afraid that my competitors will steal it and use my competitive advantage. But I want YOU to have that competitive advantage too so here it goes.

A few months ago I needed some graphic design done for my website. So I’ve found this company and they’ve asked me $200 for a single image! I needed two dozen.

Since this seemed a good price I was about to pay when a friend told me about Fiverr and how this guy there does this mind-blowing graphic design for just $5. So I went to Fiverr, hired him and indeed, he is amazing.

I’ve actually bought a $200 design and compared it to the $5 one and the $5 design is BETTER in every single way to the $200 one. Strange world, isn’t it?

And that’s not all. Each time I need something done, I go there. New logo? Fiverr. Transcription? Fiverr. Editing a book? Fiverr. I’m saving 90% and more of the costs that everyone is paying.

So if you want to get $5000 worth of services for as little as $125, get an account and use it on a daily basis. I just hope that not too many of my competitors will see this now.

Web design is for nerds.

4 – WordPress

I don’t know HTML or PHP or JavaScript or whatever. I don’t even know what these means, I’ve done a Google search and these popped out. But too many people believe that in order to have a good online presence, you need to be some tech wiz. 

Not really.

Imagine this and be prepared to be amazed.

You click one button.Your entire website is installed.You follow a link you receive by email and you have back-end access.You can write pages, add posts and more.

Then you go to the themes section and you enter “business” or “education” or whatever is right for you.Tens of thousands of themes will show up! All are free! Once you press “install”, your simple generic website will look like one that costs $5000 or more to design and install.

And the total cost to you?



You get a world class website for $0.And if you’re as lazy as me and you don’t even want to bother installing this by your own, then hire someone off Fiverr for $5 and he’ll find the theme and do everything for you.Yes. It is that SIMPLE.

I’ve got something else for you.

Another great feature of WordPress (that’s free too) are plug-ins.

Without getting all technical on you, these are add-ons you install easily which make your website whatever you want it to be.

You want good SEO? Install the SEO plug-in.

You want to take appointments on your site? There’s a plug-in for that.

You want your website to have a membership area, restricted to non paying members? Guess what, there’s a GREAT free plug-in for you to use.

So here are the top FIVE PLUG-INS I love using on WordPress.

1 – JetPack. Install this and your website becomes superman. It makes it faster, it improves how it looks, it makes your photos easier to load, it makes it impossible to hack and a lot, lot more.

If you install just one plug-in from this list, do this one. It’s like giving steroids to WordPress and transforming it from a skinny kid into the Incredible Hulk.

2 – Yoast SEO. I’ll make this one simple for you. Pay $500 for an initial SEO setup of your website by an “SEO Exper t” or install this plug-in and get EXACTLY the same thing. So if you want to save $500, install this one. It’s as simple as that.

3 – Google XML Sitemaps. SEO is complicated and I don’t want you to bother with it. But there is a low hanging fruit which are sitemaps. If your site has one, then you rank higher.

And to get a site-map, just install this plug-in and it will do it for you automatically.You need not do anything else.

#4 – Google Analytics. If you’re not tracking your numbers, as how many people came to your website, how much time they spent and so on, you need to start now. 

There are many paid solutions that cost hundreds of dollars each month but Google Analytics is FREE and it is the best amongst all of them.This tool alone made me tens of thousands of dollars in new insights and decisions.

5 – Social Icons. Do you know how some ar ticles have a bar with “share this on social media?”. It’s simple and straightforward and this plug-in helps you add this automatically to all your posts.

There are more plugins you can use but if you use even just these five, you’ll have a website that will be the envy of all your competitors.

5 – WhatsApp

Some people like to close by email.

Others in person.

I don’t. I believe email is too slow and I don’t have the time to close in person. So I use texting and services like WhatsApp.

The secret here is that whatever you’re selling, get their phone number.Then get in contact with them through a text message. Don’t do it by email. Nobody reads email nowadays or very few people do.

But we all still check our texts.

So why am I saying you should use WhatsApp compared to texts? Because you may travel and WhatsApp works on wi-fi online. Maybe you’re in a place with poor phone coverage but you have wi-fi. Or maybe you don’t have roaming activated

(although if you do what I say, you’ll afford to pay for roaming and not even care about it).

It’s more evergreen, more universal.
And you want to know what closing system I use?

How I make the money come in?

I was reticent to share this before but I’ll do it now, just because I want you to be able to close as easily as I do.

There are only three steps to it. I’ll go into greater detail in another post but here it goes for now, as a sneak peak.

STEP 1:You’ve generated a lead.You’ve got a phone number. Congrats. All the hard part is done.The rest is easy and fun.

STEP 2:Answer their query but also drop a very important question.

“Btw, what’s your WhatsApp number? I’ll send you more info there”.

You want to get as much access, close access to your lead as possible. If you already have their number, then skip this.

STEP 3: Start a nurturing sequence via WhatsApp. I won’t reveal this here as I don’t want this post to be too long but I promise I’ll reveal it in the future or maybe in a special report.

So yeah, these are the FIVE TOOLS I use to run my online business from anywhere.

While all the other things I do are nice, I can still make sales, create value, help people only with these. If you left me on a remote island with just a phone, a solar charger and a good Internet connection, I’d still be able to earn five figures per month by using these tools alone.

So c’mon, get them and put them to work!

Best regards, Imran
PS: I’ve promised you some links, right?

Here you go…

Record videos on your Mac – Look for QuickTime in your app store or just use your phone camera.

Kartra – the miracle marketing solution –

Fiverr –, there’s also an app you can download.

Wordpress – it is but it comes with free when you get a hosting package so install it there.

WhatsApp – you know this but in the rare circumstance you don’t, search for it in the app store.

As far as all the apps mentioned, just look for them in your Apple or Google app store.That’s the way to find them.

That’s all. Happy earning money to you.