Why I Work Only From My Living Room These Days


I’ve met many people who take pride in having a big office. You know the type. Huge space, big desk, even a couch and a coffee table with a minibar.

And that’s fine, if that’s your thing.

But it’s not mine. 

My office is my MacBook Air. It’s my living room or maybe some coffee shop. Sometimes I also work from bed although it’s a bad habit and I want to get rid of it.

And why do I do this?

Because while I like a huge office with an oak desk and a stocked minibar, I like something more – being close to my daughter and wife. Having the chance to spend time with my daughter whenever I want, in the morning, noon, evening and not only after a stressful nine-to-five job.

And if you think about it, this is what most people lack.


Time to do what matters and to be with those they love. 

Because I’ve also met enough people with expensive cars and huge apartments. But some of them don’t have enough time to enjoy a nice meal. Or to kiss his daughter good night. Or to simply lie lazy on the couch, with his wife and enjoy a Netflix movie.

I do and I don’t sacrifice income for this. I have the best of both world.

But why am I telling you this?

Because you may be one of those people starved for time. Or you may be starved for both time and money, working hard, pushing yourself to the limit and not even earning enough to say it’s worth it.

And I must tell you… there is a different way.

In 2018 and what follows, technology makes it possible to earn a small (or a big) fortune working from anywhere you want, as long as you have a computer, an Internet connection and the willingness to sit down 60 minutes at a time and get things done.

I will not tell you you can build or expand your business working at the beach. That’s a stupid idea and who goes to the beach to work there? But you can leverage technology. You can make things happen from the comfort of your own house. You can be close to your loved one’s while also building your fortune or a stream of extra income.

Think about it for a second.

You think you need to hire employees and build an office for them?


You can hire talent from all over the world over the Internet to do what you need. And you’ll pay less, you are not responsible for them and you’ll have very little waste. You won’t pay people to sit on Facebook while on the clock. 

You’ll pay for results.

The only downside is that you won’t have that “prestige” of having employees in your business (but does it even matter nowadays?) and that you can’t have someone to prepare you a cup of coffee or run errands for you. I’d rather pay 1 / 3 of what I’d normally pay, face less stress of managing people, pay for results and prepare my coffee.

Or do you think you need a reception desk for clients to visit you?

Unless you’re in a few very specific industries, the answer is no. I do almost everything online today. I think I have to show in person to buy something maybe two or three times a year. 

People are lazy. They don’t even want to pick up the phone and call to buy something or make an appointment. Instead, they want to download an application, enter a few things, press a button and get what they want.

So sure, if you’re a bank or a dentist or anyone who needs to have a traditional practice, you need a place to call your own. But in 99% of the cases, you’d be just wasting rent money as no one will come and you can take orders and inquiries just as easy from home.

This list could go on.

You working in an office is not a plus. It’s a needless luxury. You’re gaining little and you’re paying a lot for it. Sure, ten years ago, customers wanted face-to-face interaction to feel like they trust you.

Business would be finalized with a handshake.

But nowadays, believe me, almost nobody cares. Most would take convenience over tradition. I’ve received six-figure payments from people who never met me before. If I can get these kinds of payments, then you can feel confident that most of your customers can and will buy from you online.

Working from your bedroom or on the beach or at your kitchen table is not new. Copywriters used this for decades to sell products. 

But I’m not here to tell you it’s possible. 

You’ve heard this a lot before. 

I tell you it’s the only option that makes sense. 

You’re robbing yourself of time, of money and of energy by doing things “old school”. You can set up a Facebook campaign and bring a steady stream of leads. You do it once and then you manage it, making sure it’s working properly.

You can set up a landing page to send your leads there. This will make you sales during the day, during the night, when you’re on vacation and basically, anytime someone visits your site.

You can set up a social media automation tool. You write a post and it’s distributed everywhere. Facebook. LinkedIn. Your blog. Google Plus (although who ever uses that?). Twitter and so on. 

What I’m telling you here is that you have the tools. You’re living in a time where there are so many pieces of software and plug-ins and SaaS (software as a service) that you can do the work of five people, at home, using a tool, in a fraction of the time.

I’ve seen so many good people transition from working 60 hours a week in a stressful environment to working 10 – 20 from home. And while they’re in many fields, with different business models, all have in common the same thing.

They’re leveraging technology to work less and earn more. It’s like they have an army of people helping them succeed but instead of real people, they have tools like UnBounce or Active Campaign or LeadPages or WordPress or any other decently priced tool that does all the work for you.

So what do you think prevents you working from home?

The nature of your business or occupation?

Because this is how you’ve always done things?

Let me know below in the comments.

Best regards,
